
[SQL] 1068. Product Sales Analysis I (Easy)

파뱁 2024. 12. 31. 16:51

두 개의 테이블을 사용한 또 다른 문제이다.


⬆️ 문제 전문 링크


Table: Sales

| Column Name | Type  |
| sale_id     | int   |
| product_id  | int   |
| year        | int   |
| quantity    | int   |
| price       | int   |
(sale_id, year) is the primary key (combination of columns with unique values) of this table.
product_id is a foreign key (reference column) to Product table.
Each row of this table shows a sale on the product product_id in a certain year.
Note that the price is per unit.

Table: Product

| Column Name  | Type    |
| product_id   | int     |
| product_name | varchar |
product_id is the primary key (column with unique values) of this table.
Each row of this table indicates the product name of each product.

Write a solution to report the product_name, year, and price for each sale_id in the Sales table.

Return the resulting table in any order.

The result format is in the following example.


Example 1:

Sales table:
| sale_id | product_id | year | quantity | price |
| 1       | 100        | 2008 | 10       | 5000  |
| 2       | 100        | 2009 | 12       | 5000  |
| 7       | 200        | 2011 | 15       | 9000  |
Product table:
| product_id | product_name |
| 100        | Nokia        |
| 200        | Apple        |
| 300        | Samsung      |
| product_name | year  | price |
| Nokia        | 2008  | 5000  |
| Nokia        | 2009  | 5000  |
| Apple        | 2011  | 9000  |
From sale_id = 1, we can conclude that Nokia was sold for 5000 in the year 2008.
From sale_id = 2, we can conclude that Nokia was sold for 5000 in the year 2009.
From sale_id = 7, we can conclude that Apple was sold for 9000 in the year 2011.


문제를 보면 두 개의 테이블이 나온다.

Sales, Products

각 테이블에는 product_id 라는 값이 있는데 각 테이블의 fk, pk 이다.


이를 이용해서 답을 작성해 보면 다음과 같다.


select p.product_name, s.year, s.price
from Sales s, Product p
where p.product_id = s.product_id;